Perchance a novel of spine-tingling passion and romantic excitement will help everyone forget their troubles for a few hours. The author, Anne Forbes, has a five book mystery series with a lot of romance and a dash of psychic inscrutability.

The series star is Jack Johnson, at least we think his name is Johnson. In the first book, he's an undercover agent for the FBI.

The leading lady, is Annalee. Their romance is inextricably bound to the main mystery. Their friend, Linda, the billionaire, has a mysterious ability to make Annalee experience actions form the past vicariously, so that Annalee feels and sees the actions of the person being killed. She doesn't like it, but this is how she helps Jack.

About the author...

Although Anne Forbes is a first time novelist, she has written for numerous in-house publications. She was an English major in college but only lately, has she found time to write books. She examines the mystery of life through these tales of intrigue...

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The series star is Jack Johnson, at least we think his name is Johnson.  The leading lady is Annalee Secan, who appears to be ordinary, but has a way of helping that causes trouble.  Their romance is inextricably bound to the main mystery as is their friend, Linda, the billionaire, who adds a dash of psychic inscrutability.

             In the first book, Jack is an undercover agent for the FBI.  Jack investigates the murder of a retired FBI agent while working under the cover of investigating the disappearance of Annalee’s husband.  Together, with Annalee’s mysterious new friend, Linda, they manage to get in trouble. 
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